I give it a 6/10 because I did enjoy it, but the initial bugs really let it down for a few months. The multiple paths personally irritated me, you had to play through 4 times to see all endings, especially annoying for a trophy hoarder like me. This was consistent for a good few months, however after revisiting it it hasn't happened since, so I think they have finally patched it.
You'd be running like normal, and it would just freeze up. But NV was decent enough, but the major bugs really let it down. I think my experience with Fallout 3 already put NV at a negative standing it would never live up to it. This was consistent for a good few months, however after revisiting it it hasn't happened since, so I I really loved Fallout 3, and had high hopes for this game.
I really loved Fallout 3, and had high hopes for this game.